To introduce myself, my name is Kailey, this is my very first blog post, so bear with me while I sort through my thoughts and try to type them out. I am a mother of three beautiful little girls, and wife to a hardworking husband. We live in Chehalis, Washington on a little 5 acre plot in the woods. We have a whole coop full of chickens (which is awesome right now with the price of eggs), a horse, and 2 of the best dogs anyone could ask for. I am a Home Care Aide and my husband is a logger. I recently graduated with my Bachelor’s Degree in business administration.
So why soap? Well, I have always been an entrepreneur at heart. At 12 I watched my parents become business owners and successfully run their own business. As I grew up, I took on some of the responsibilities. I learned so much from that experience, and it planted a seed. When I got pregnant at 20 years old, I knew that I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. Not only did it make the most financial sense, but I wanted to be there with my kids every special moment of their lives. From the outside being a stay-at-home parent seems like the most wonderful job in the whole world, and it is, until it’s not. You take years off of work to help these tiny little humans grow, you do everything for everyone, then they go to school…. So what now? Yes, you can be at home, watch hours of your favorite trash TV, and scrub your house with a toothbrush. But this can get really boring and depressing, and even with my part-time caregiving job and fistfuls of anti-depressant medication. I found myself needing something more.
As a parent, you try and do all the right things for your kids. You try to make all the right choices, from healthy foods, to safe toys. You baby-proof the house, and lock up the cabinets with chemicals that are harmful. You trust companies that you purchase items from to be safe. You think in your head that if they are selling this product to put on our skin, it must be made out of maybe not the best, but at least safe ingredients. This is probably the furthest thing from true. Why would you lock up harmful chemicals in the cabinet, just to slather other harmful chemicals on your skin?
Not only do I want to avoid harmful ingredients for my body, I also want to avoid ingredients that are harmful for my family. So how do I find products that are good for my health, that use ingredients I can actually read? It’s hard, I cannot tell you the amount of time I have spent googling ingredients. When you do find a product that has good ingredients, it’s much more expensive, which is sometimes okay for certain products, but when you have a family of 5 and you are trying to buy soap and consumables that are natural and made with good for you ingredients, this can get expensive.
In 2016 I decided to spend hundreds of dollars on ingredients and equipment to make my own bath and body products. Which I did for a while for myself, and for family and friends. Then I had another baby, Covid happened, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor, we built a new house, you know, life happened. In 2023, my youngest started kindergarten and I started having a lot more time to myself, I went back to school and finished my degree, and decided to start job hunting. After a year and a half of many applications and job interviews, but no offers, I was getting discouraged and decided to take a break.
Then I busted out all of my crafting supplies to make Christmas gifts, which this year included a bath bomb, a candle, a handmade ornament, a chapstick, and a bar of soap. The girls and I had so much fun making all of the gifts, and everyone always has great things to say about our homemade gifts each year. Which got me thinking about my final project for my business degree, which was a business plan, so I started a new one.
So here we are less than two months in to my new business adventure, and I am loving it. I am so excited to be able to have a little something for myself, while also being able to provide others with affordable products, that you don’t have to research every ingredient for an hour just to decide it is not safe for your family. Every product that I offer is something that we either do use, or would use in my home. I try to keep everything reasonably priced so that you can afford to keep your family healthy. While also using recyclable packaging to minimize the environmental impact.
Valuable, healthy, environmentally conscious products at an affordable price! This is my biggest goal!
So thank you for reading this far and supporting my business. I hope you learned a little about me and why soap. I hope to use my blog to inform about different ingredients, I will also be posting different craft projects, recipes, and other helpful mom things, just because that is who I am.
Thanks for reading ~K~